Event Details
In view of the ongoing pandemic, the 18th Annual General Meeting for the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore) will be held by electronic means on 29 October 2020 at 10.30am. We will adopt the measures set forth in the COVID19 (Temporary Measures) (Alternative Arrangements for Meetings for Registered Societies) Order 2020.
eAGM Procedures
- Members will be able to tune in to watch the live cast of the virtual AGM.
- In the context of the eAGM, eligible members (i.e. Charter/Ordinary members) must vote by appointing the Chairman of the AGM (i.e AAIS President) as their proxy.
- Charter/Ordinary members' proxy form (signed by the main/ alternate representative) must be submitted in advance, to indicate votes on all meeting resolutions. The proxy form and related documents have been disseminated to the main/alternate representatives.
This is a members-only event.
To attend/view the proceedings, please register to attend by 13 October 2020, 5PM. Upon authentication, members will be sent the meeting link to access the AGM proceedings.
- Welcome Address by AAIS President
- Presentation of Annual Report by Honorary Secretary
- Presentation of Audited Financial Report by Honorary Treasurer
- Confirmation of Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting
- Matters arising
- Acceptance of Annual Report for financial year ending 30th June 2020
- Acceptance of Audited Financial Report for financial year ending 30th June 2020
- Appointment of Honorary Legal Advisor and Honorary External Auditor
- Appointment of 2nd Vice President for the remaining term of the Management Committee 2019/21
- Results of Election of 2 Committee Members for the remaining term of the Management Committee 2019/21
- Recognition of Long-serving MC members
- Recognition of Long Service Award for AAIS staff
- Any Other Business
- Closing Address by AAIS President
- Adjournment
We look forward to seeing you at the eAGM.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact azizah@aais.org.sg.