Event Details

The air transport sector workforce has recovered and is expected to reach 90% of pre-COVID levels by the end of this year. Aerospace has also turned the corner with production levels in March 2022 exceeding pre-pandemic levels for the first time on a monthly basis. With a significant number in the workforce who are new to the industry, there is a need to emphasise and create greater awareness of aviation safety. Experienced professionals will also benefit from refreshers on safety with the ramp-up of operations.
AAIS, as a signatory of Singapore's charter for aviation safety, is pleased to organise a coordinated safety week for members of the aviation/aerospace community from 14 to 18 November 2022. We invite you to register to participate with a commitment to organise an internal aviation safety awareness campaign (an hour, day or week) during this period, in sync with others in the industry.
To support aviation safety awareness in your organisations and augment your internal efforts, AAIS will be sharing some materials including messages, videos, posters and others. We are also planning two seminars that will touch on the topics of aviation and workplace safety. If you are planning safety campaigns outside of this period, you are also welcome to register to receive the materials.
More information will be shared with all members in due course.