Event Details

In conjunction with the 48th ASEAN Air Transport Working Group meeting, CAAS is organising the 4th ASEAN Sustainability Forum on the afternoon of 4 Oct 2023, Wednesday. The forum will bring together regulators, industry and international organisations to share experience in decarbonisation measures.

The forum will be conducted in a hybrid format, and CAAS is inviting AAIS members to participate in the Sustainability Forum either in person (subject to a limit of 20 pax in view of the room capacity*) or virtually (online via Zoom).

Interested members are invited to register and indicate your preferred mode of attendance by 26 Sep, 12 noon. Details on the agenda and speakers will be made available soon.

Date: 4 Oct 2023 (Wednesday)

Time: 1.00pm โ€“ 4.30pm

Venue: Amara Hotel

Dress Code: Jacket and Tie


13:00 - 13:10
Opening Remarks by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Mr Daniel Ng, Chief Sustainability Officer, CAAS
13:10 - 13:30
Presentation by Association of Aerospace Industries Singapore (AAIS)
Mr SIA Kheng Yok, Chief Executive. AAIS will share their vision of an Innovative Aerospace Community for a Sustainable Future and highlight initiatives on solar energy adoption and developme...
Mr SIA Kheng Yok, Chief Executive. AAIS will share their vision of an Innovative Aerospace Community for a Sustainable Future and highlight initiatives on solar energy adoption and development of a sustainability framework for industry clusters.
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13:30 - 13:50
Presentation by Boeing
Ms Jacqueline LAM, Regional Lead for Sustainability. Boeing will be providing an overview of its collaborative efforts in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) industry development and policy advo...
Ms Jacqueline LAM, Regional Lead for Sustainability. Boeing will be providing an overview of its collaborative efforts in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) industry development and policy advocacy, advanced technology types and demonstrating the Cascade modelling tool.
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13:50 - 14:10
Presentation by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Mr James DEVERELL, Managing Director, CSIRO Futures. CSIRO will share their SAF Roadmap, released recently, with Boeing. It considers opportunities to scale SAF production in Australia, as w...
Mr James DEVERELL, Managing Director, CSIRO Futures. CSIRO will share their SAF Roadmap, released recently, with Boeing. It considers opportunities to scale SAF production in Australia, as well as how Australia could contribute to a SAF industry in the Asia-Pacific region.
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14:10 - 14:30
Q&A Session 1
14:30 - 15:00
Tea Break
15:00 - 15:20
Presentation by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
Mr Sayuta SENOBUA, Regional Officer, Environment and Climate Change. ICAO will share their strategies for reducing the adverse effects of aviation on the global environment, including initia...
Mr Sayuta SENOBUA, Regional Officer, Environment and Climate Change. ICAO will share their strategies for reducing the adverse effects of aviation on the global environment, including initiatives to reduce carbon emissions from international aviation, such as Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), SAF and State Action Plans.
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15:20 - 15:40
Presentation by EcoCeres
Mr Dannis POON, Chief Operating Officer. EcoCeres will share the opportunities and challenges for SAF producers.
15:40 - 16:00
Q&A Session 2
16:00 - 16:10
Closing Remarks by Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore
Mr Daniel Ng, Chief Sustainability Officer, CAAS


Amara Hotel, Ballroom 2

165 Tanjong Pagar Road
Singapore 088539


If you have any questions please contact Shao Wei Lieow

Contact Organizer

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  • Kheng Yok Sia (Chief Executive at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore))

    Kheng Yok Sia

    Chief Executive at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)


    Sia Kheng Yok is the Chief Executive of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), a not-for-profit organization representing Aviation and Aerospace businesses in Singapore. He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Aviation Studies Institute at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, the Industry Advisory Committee of the Singapore Institute of Technology, and the Engineering Advisory Committee of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

    Before joining the Association in 2016, Kheng Yok was at the Singapore Economic Development Board for more than 20 years as Director for Transport Engineering and in other responsibilities including aerospace and logistics, leadership development, economic resource and policy development, etc. He also served for a time as Director of the Singapore Aerospace Programme at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research.

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  • Jacqueline Lam (Sustainability Policy and Partnerships at Boeing)

    Jacqueline Lam

    Sustainability Policy and Partnerships at Boeing


    Jacqueline is Boeing’s Global Sustainability Policy and Partnerships lead for Southeast Asia, based in Singapore. She focuses on public policy advocacy toward sustainable aviation and the facilitation of industry and multi-sector collaboration for solutions in decarbonizing aviation.

    Previously, working with the Energy Market Authority of Singapore, Jacqueline was in charge of advocacy and partnerships with ASEAN partner governments for energy efficiency and renewables policy. Prior to this, she served in the Ministry of Trade and Industry on ASEAN free trade agreements as a trade negotiator.

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  • James Deverell (Director, CSIRO Futures of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO))

    James Deverell

    Director, CSIRO Futures of Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)


    James leads CSIRO Futures, the strategic advisory arm of Australia’s national science agency. In this role, he has led the development of over 30 national-scale industry and technology roadmaps, as well as the Australian National Outlook. He has over 25 years of experience across five continents, leading national-scale initiatives and corporate strategies with a focus on the role that technology and innovation play in creating sustainable growth.

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  • SS

    Sayuta Senobua

    Regional Officer, Environment and Climate Change at International Civil Aviation Organisation Asia and Pacific Office


    Sayuta Senobua is the Regional Officer of Environment and Climate Change at the ICAO Asia and Pacific Office. Since joining ICAO in January 2021, Sayuta has facilitated ICAO Member States in the APAC region with preparing and submitting their State Action Plans (SAPs) to reduce CO2 emissions from international aviation to ICAO and implementing the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

    Sayuta previously worked for Indonesia’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation, where, as an airworthiness inspector, he was responsible for aircraft design certification and design organization approval. Sayuta was also Indonesia’s State Action Plan and CORSIA focal point

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  • DP

    Dannis Poon

    Chief Operating Officer at Ecoceres, Inc


    Currently acting as Chief Operating Officer of EcoCeres, Inc., Dannis manages value chain operations for the bio-grease utilization business, and is also developing a new renewable fuels facility in SE Asia with prime interest in Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) and renewable diesel. Dannis has experience in policies and sustainability certification of ISCC, ISCC-CORISA, Dutch Double Counting, National Italian Scheme, French Quota and Nabisy.

    Dannis previously acted as Co-chair (Asia region) of Waste, Residue and Advanced Low Carbon Fuel Technical Committee of ISCC from 2019 to 2021.

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