Event Details

The severe impact of COVID-19 to the local Aerospace industry is expected to last for some time. During this period of downturn, it will be important for us to retain our core capabilities, retrain and upskill our workforce so that we are able to recover faster when the upturn comes.

Join us for a closed-door Industry Dialogue with government agencies and union representatives to find out more about initiatives to help companies in the aerospace sector upskill your workers. Participate in the panel discussion with representatives from the Economic Development Board (EDB), SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), Workforce Singapore (WSG), the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) and the Employment and Employability Institute (e2i).

๏ปฟREGISTER: AAIS Members-Only Event

Date: 9 September 2020 (Wednesday)

Time: 1530 to 1700hrs (UTC +8)

Platform: MS Teams

Please register to participate in the session. Kindly note that this event is open to AAIS members and invited guests only.


Opening Address

  • Lim Tse Yong, Vice-President, Capital Goods, EDB

Overview of manpower support initiatives

  • Glenda Tan, Asst Vice-President, Capital Goods EDB

New Enhanced Training Support Package for Aerospace and other SSG initiatives

  • Joseph Yap, Manager, Industry Development Division 1, SSG

Professional Conversion Programmes and other WSG initiatives

  • Nelson Goh, Manager, Manufacturing Division, WSG

Best practices for managing excess manpower and responsible retrenchment

  • Raven Lee, Senior Industrial Relations Officer, NTUC

Outplacement support for workers

  • Karen Tan, Senior Employability Coach, e2i

Panel Discussion with

  • Lim Tse Yong, VP, EDB
  • Chelvin Loh, Director, SSG
  • Anderson Ee, Acting Director, WSG
  • Sylvia Choo, Director, NTUC
  • Gary Goh, Dy CEO, e2i


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