Event Details


The Building Faรงade Inspection using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Working Group under the purview of the Manufacturing Standards Committee has developed a new Technical Reference (TR) entitled "TR 78 : 2020 - Building facade inspection using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)".


The TR provides a set of non-exhaustive specifications for the use of UAS to conduct inspection of existing building facades. It covers the phases starting from preparation, stakeholder approvals, execution and up to post-flight data processing and report generation.


Join us at this workshop to learn more from UAS experts about the development of TR 78 : 2020 and how you can apply it at your workplace. Additionally, you will also have the opportunity to provide feedback on TR 78 : 2020.

 Who Should Attend

  • Building Management Agents
  • Drones Solution Service Providers
  • Building Facade Inspectors
  • Government Agencies
  • Testing / Accreditation Bodies

What You Will Learn 

Through this workshop, you will gain a better understanding of the following aspects of building inspection with the use of UAS, and learn more about how to conduct an inspection in a safe and ethical manner:


  • Personal data protection (privacy);
  • Insurance and liability; and
  • Risk assessment and mitigation 


Date: 25 November 2020 (Wednesday)

Time: 1000hrs to 1200hrs (UTC +8)

Platform: Zoom (Hosted by SMF-SDO)



10:00 am Welcome Address by Building Construction Authority

          Speaker: Mr Lee Chee Weye

10:10 am  Welcome Address by AAIS

           Speaker: Mr Sia Kheng Yok

10:20 am Facade Inspection and Technologies

          Speaker: Er Tay Ah Ching

10:50 am Overview and Implementation of Technical Reference

           Speaker: Mr Teong Soo Soon

11:20 am  Industry Dialogue Session

           Moderator: Mr Robin Thevathasan

12:00 pm  End๏ปฟ

* SMF-SDO reserves the right to amend the webinar programme, postpone or cancel the workshop due to unforeseen circumstances.


  • Chee Weye Lee (Director, Facade Engineering and Technology Department of Building and Construction Authority)

    Chee Weye Lee

    Director, Facade Engineering and Technology Department of Building and Construction Authority

    Er. Lee Chee Weye joined BCA in 2020, with more than 25 years of civil & structural engineering experience from both the private and public sector. His professional experience covers design and supervision of pre-stressed, post-tensioned, precast reinforced concrete and steel structures. With his extensive industry experience, he had delivered many innovative and cost-effective engineering solutions and provided leadership in industrial, hospitality, commercial, office and high-rise housing projects.

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  • Kheng Yok Sia (Chief Executive at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore))

    Kheng Yok Sia

    Chief Executive at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)

    (Speaker and Panelist)
    Mr Sia is the Chief Executive of the Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore), a non-profit organization representing the Aerospace and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) industry in Singapore. The association formed the Singapore UAS Community in 2019, supported by CAAS and Enterprise Singapore. Sia currently serves in an advisory capacity on the CAAS UAS Advisory Panel, Advisory Board of the Aviation Studies Institute, Industry Advisory Panel of the Singapore Institute of Technology, and is a Resource Person with the Centre for Liveable Cities. Before joining the Association, Sia worked at the Singapore Economic Development Board, the lead government agency for planning and executing strategies that shape the future of Singapore’s economy.

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  • Ah Ching Tay (Deputy Director, Facade Engineering and Technology Department (FETD) of Building and Construction Authority)

    Ah Ching Tay

    Deputy Director, Facade Engineering and Technology Department (FETD) of Building and Construction Authority

    (Speaker and Panelist)
    Er. Tay Ah Ching joined BCA in 2005 and has been actively involved in the drafting of the legislations for Periodic Façade Inspection Regime, developing façade inspection courses and formulating façade inspection guidelines for the industry, conducting R&D studies on latest technological developments for façade inspection and formulating the registration of façade inspectors with the IES/ACES Joint Accreditation Committee.

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  • Soo Soon Teong (Vice President, UAV Business Unit at ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd)

    Soo Soon Teong

    Vice President, UAV Business Unit at ST Engineering Aerospace Ltd

    (Speaker and Panelist)
    Mr Teong Soo Soon is responsible for ST Engineering Aerospace's unmanned aircraft business, overseeing the technology/ product as well as business development for both the military and commercial markets. Mr Teong is also currently serving as the Convener for the working group under Enterprise Singapore to develop a Technical Reference for the safe conduct of building façade inspection using drones.

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  • Michael Chin (Principal at Arup Singapore Pte Ltd)

    Michael Chin

    Principal at Arup Singapore Pte Ltd

    Michael Chin is a Principal with Arup Singapore Pte Ltd, he is also the Facade and ESD Leader. At Arup, he has been involved in conceptual and design aspects on the facade engineering through a series of high profile and complex projects in Singapore and around the region over the years. He has been working closely with renowned international and local architects in realising increasingly complex and complicated facade systems to meet the ever demanding architecture.

    Michael has since developed a keen interest in pursuing sustainable building design through digital innovations; digital workflows, services and tools to help create greater value for clients and stakeholders. He believe that embracing digital technology enables and underpins the future of the built environment. The digital platform therefore need to be able to response to rapidly changing business requirements and support new innovations data and services. This is also in line with Arup’s digital strategy as an organization.

    Michael’s notable and iconic development in Singapore and around the regions include Jewel, CapitaGreen, South Beach, Marina One and Guoco Tower.

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  • Robin Thevathasan (Member Panel of Experts at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore))

    Robin Thevathasan

    Member Panel of Experts at Association of Aerospace Industries (Singapore)

    Robin Thevathasan has been consulting on local and international projects since January 2018 when he retired from 33 years of service with the ST Engineering Group. He chairs a COVID-19 Taskforce for AAIS to help manage issues affecting the aerospace industry. He worked for several years as stress engineer in Europe (British Aerospace & Fokker Space) and with ST Engineering he undertook various engineering functions, Strategic Planning, International Business Development, secondment to DSTA (a Ministry of Defence Statutory Board). Prior to retirement he was involved in Change Management of a Group-wide Shared Services project. His qualifications : Honours degree in Mechanical Engineering from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia (1974), Master of Science in Aircraft Design from the Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK (1979). He also has a Graduate Diploma in Financial Management, Singapore Institute of Management (1998) and attended the Programme for Executive Development, International Institute for Management Development (IMD), Lausanne, Switzerland.

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Purchase Technical Reference

Special Launch Price of TR 78:  S$26.00 per copy, exclusive of GST

Order Website: 


Contact Us

If you have enquiries, please contact Mr Louis Lauw (louis.lauw@smf-sdo.org.sg) or Ms Stephanie Lo (stephanie_lo@aais.org.sg).


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