Event Details
The impact of COVID-19 to the air transport industry is expected to last for some time. At these times, the partnership between Government, Trade Associations and Chambers, and businesses is more critical than ever. In this spirit, the Ministry of Finance (MOF) is seeking industry feedback for Budget 2021.
AAIS is organising Focus Group sessions to collect inputs and feedback from Singapore-based Aerospace, Aviation and related businesses. Sign up for a session to share your views and hear from other industry peers.
Discussion Topics:
1) What should be the priorities for government policy and support?
2) Do you/ your organisation have specific ideas or proposals?
Session 1: General Members (Aerospace OEMs, MROs, Suppliers, Lessors, etc)
Date: 6 October 2020 (Tuesday)
Time: 1030 to 1200hrs (UTC +8)
Platform: Zoom
Session 2: SME Members
Date: 8 October 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 1030 to 1200hrs (UTC +8)
Platform: Zoom
(Sign up at THIS LINK)
Should you have any enquiries regarding this event, please contact margaret@aais.org.sg.
To submit written feedback/inputs on Budget 2021, please email covidtaskforce@aais.org.sg.