Event Details

The Pandemic is having a significant impact on global aviation and the Aerospace Engineering sector is going through challenging times. The question of what the future holds for you as Aerospace Engineering students must be a pertinent one in normal times, and particularly so in such extraordinary circumstances. But take heart, while the short-term outlook may look bleak, the long-term prospects of the industry for Singapore remain strong and positive.

As students who will enter the workforce in the near future, you will be thinking of how you can develop a meaningful and fulfilling career. To this end, the IHLs, together with our partners JTC, AAIS and e2i, is pleased to bring you our third edition of Aerospace Day 2021 in a few months' time. This is part of the sector's efforts to inform and expose you to various job roles available in the sector, the work environment and the career prospects. Through this event, you will be able to make informed choices for your future. 

As a build up to Aerospace Day 2021, we have organized a series of mini-events โ€“ Inspiring Your Aviation Journey โ€“ giving you an opportunity to be acquainted with some of the major Aerospace Companies in Singapore and a chance to interact with potential employers in the sector. The first in the series will take place on 26 March 2021 (Friday) and we are extending an invitation to you to participate. 

The online session will include virtual company tours, a live webinar with company representatives and alumni employed by the companies, and a panel discussion. And also a chance to win some great prizes! Don't miss out on this great opportunity to find out more about the exciting career that awaits you! 

Upon authentication, students will be sent the WebEx meeting link to access the webinar!


14:00 - 14:05
Welcome Speech by JTC
14:05 - 14:30
Sharing by Singapore Component Solutions
14:30 - 14:55
Sharing by Collins Aerospace
14:55 - 15:20
Sharing by Bombardier Aerospace Services Singapore
15:20 - 15:30

Companies Details


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